Guzheng Performer in Toronto & Markham (Ontario, Canada)


Calla Tan is a widely respected Guzheng performer and teacher from the city of Guangzhou, China. Deeply influenced by her father’s passion of music at a young age, she started her formal musical training at the High School Section of Guangzhou Conservatory of Music in 1985. Upon graduation in 1991with distinction; she was accepted by the Xinghai Conservatory of Music to further her study in Chinese traditional music. Throughout her education in Xinghai Conservatory, she received intense training from various teachers, such as Professor Rao Ning Xin (Guzheng) and Professor Chen Zhao Hua (Qang Qin).

Calla received her bachelor degree in 1995 and she immediately engaged herself with various performances in different cities of China. She also started her own teaching career and demonstrated her passion about teaching. In 1999, Calla was awarded by the China Conservatory of Music Level Examination Committee as An outstanding performer and instructor in Guzheng. She was also offered a position as an off campus Guzheng instructor for the college.

Through ten years of professional stage performance experience, Calla Tan not only received numerous awards and recognition from the Asian and North American Guzheng community, her skilled performances also continuously demonstrates confidence, musical talent, and artistic self-expression.

譚穎如自幼受父親影響,酷愛音樂。 1985年考進廣州音樂學院附 屬中學就讀,1991年以優異的成績升讀星海音樂學院(即前廣州音樂學院)民樂系。 分別師從古箏南派名師饒寧新教授和楊琴演奏家陳照華教授。

1995年畢業并取得學士學位。 她曾在國内多地參加各種藝術演出, 教學上也取得可喜的成積。所教的學生分别参加中央民族管弦樂协會和中國音樂学院考级 辦的每年考試且取得很好的成绩。 1999年被中國音樂學院考級委員會譽為她是 “在古箏領域十分出色的演奏家及指導老師”,聘為中國音樂學院校外古箏教師。

十年的學院生涯與多年的舞台經驗, 使譚穎如擁有良好的藝術修養,並通过自己對樂曲的理解,已形成了個人的演奏風格。 她演奏的技巧純熟,音色豐富、細腻、富有内涵。譚穎如現在是安省中樂研究協會董事會執事, 中央民族管弦樂协會駐多伦多民樂考級辦考官,加拿大第一支純專業中樂團:安省中國民族樂團成員。


All photography provided by Calla Tan